News February 2025
Members Taysha and Harshia are exhibiting in Cafe Ambio until 10th March 2025 – cafe opening hours.
News January 2025
Garstang Open win for Lodge member
Congratulations to member Taysha Manifold for 1st place in Garstang Open.
News October 2024
Winners announced for Members’/People’s Choice awards
Votes cast during the Annual Exhibition 2024 have been counted and the winners announced at the last meeting. Members chose a painting by Kev Fowler – ‘Wild Elevation’ abstract in acrylic and the People’s Choice was a pastel landscape by Val Jones ‘The Track Home’.
News September 2024
One Day Exhibition at BWARA Headquarters attracts local art enthusiasts
This year’s one day exhibition, held at our Brinscall HQ on the 22nd September, attracted a steady stream
of visitors from the local area, and achieved sales of original paintings and cards totalling £400.00, as well as raising awareness of the Society.
As always on this day, some great bargains were snapped up, and maybe some new members recruited.
46th Annual Exhibition held earlier than usual this year, in September
Members had less time this year to get their work ready for the annul exhibition, usually held towards Christmas. This year professional artist Chris Shields judged, and awards were presented by Caroline (Charlie) Scott, former Culture and Programming Officer for Ashley and Worden.
Chairman Polly Carr welcomed members and guests to the preview evening on Tuesday 17th September.
Polly Carr
The winners with judge Chris Shields (far left) and Caroline Scott (second left).
Chris spent time in the day viewing and assessing the paintings submitted by twenty five members. He selected six winners of ‘highly commended’ awards as follows (in no particular order):
‘Parrot’ by Dawn Bacchus, ‘Spurnhead’ by Gill Halfords, ‘A Favourite Path, Sunderland Point’ by Val Jones, ‘Bad Hair Day’ by Brenda Smith, ‘Up to The Pike’ by Lesley Gardner, ‘Water Lilly Kaleidoscope’ by Graham Sutch.
‘Parrot'(top), Dawn Bacchus
‘Spurnhead'(lower) by Gill Halfords
‘A Favourite Path, Sunderland Point'(top), Val Jones
‘Bad Hair Day'(top), Brenda Smith
‘Up to the Pike’, Lesley Gardner
‘Water Lily Kaleidoscope’, Graham Sutch
He said that it was very difficult to choose just six as the standard was so high and he could have selected at least nine for awards.
He awarded Best in Show to Jackie Williams for her mixed media painting (including oil and cold wax) on canvas, ‘Aberdeenshire’, saying he felt it stood out because of the colours and, particularly, the use of both palette knife and brush.
Best in Show – ‘Aberdeenshire’, Jackie Williams
Caroline Scott receives flowers from member Rod Walmsley.
News August 2024
Lodge gets sociable with local art groups
Once again we held our (now) annual Social Evening, on 14th August, when we invited other Art groups in the area to join us for an evening of sharing ideas, a competition, quizzing, eating and drinking.
The following groups were represented.
Winner – W. Halliwell, West Houghton Art Group.

2nd place – Caroline Mooney, ‘In the Frame’

3rd place – Denise Buckles, West Houghton Art Group.
St. Laurence Art Exhibition.
News mid June ’24
Congratulations to Rod!
Member Rod Walmsley was awarded 3rd prize in the first Chorley Open Art Exhibition, organised by Pat Richardson for St.Laurence Church, Chorley.
Pat presents the award to Rod.
News 5/6/24
Lodge are first in Bromleys’ Blog
Bromley’s Art Supples have chosen Lodge Artists to kick off their new series of blog posts featuring local art groups.
News 21/5/24
From 3rd July 2024 meetings will run from 7.30pm – 9.30pm.
News 21/4/24
Mayor commissions painting for Mayor’s Parlour
Lodge Artists member Rodney Walmsley was the artist the mayor of Chorley, Councillor Tommy Gray, chose to produce a painting for him to leave in the mayor’s parlour, at the town hall in Chorley, when he leaves office in May this year. He requested a view of Rivington Pike and was delighted with the resulting work when it was presented to him today.
News 6/12/23
Congratulations to the Winners!
The People’s Vote this year went to Val Jones for her pastel of Sand Dunes, and Mary Anne Adlam won the Members’ Vote with her acrylic painting ‘Into the Snow’. Mary Anne also took third place in the People’s Vote with 28 votes, behind Roger Gillet’s ‘Water Way (Murano, Venice)’ 29 votes. Val however romped away with her fantastic 57 votes for her winner!
News 17/11/23
Rod sells over 100 paintings for ‘In the Frame’!
Not only does Rod Walmsley help ‘In the Frame’ to gather and sell donated paintings in support of St. Catherine’s Hospice, he has now himself sold over 100 paintings in the scheme – with an average selling price of £20 per painting that’s over £2,000 for the charity! Anyone who can donate unwanted work for this good cause just let him know. Good work Rod!
News 3/11/23
Lodge Artists’ 45th Annual Exhibition 2023 – The Coach House Gallery, Astley Park, Chorley.
Members were pleased to welcome the Mayor of Chorley, Councillor Tommy Gray, to launch their 45th Annual Exhibition in The Coach House Gallery at a special reception on Thursday evening the 2nd November. The Society has been exhibiting in Astley Park every year since its inception in 1979 and Chairman, Polly Carr, told the gathering that we have had a very good year with lots of new members of all ages joining.
Guest judge Liam Dickinson, a well-known local artist, announced the winners of six Highly Commended awards and explained his reasons for choosing them. These were won by Val Jones for her pastel ‘Slipway Cottage’, David Jenkins for his line drawing ‘By Rydal Water’, Pat Richardson for mixed media ‘Emerging Light’, Harsha Radia for ‘House on the Hill’,mixed media/textile, Lorraine Douglas for ‘Up High’ watercolour, and Jackie Williams for ‘Yorkshire Countryside’ in acrylics.
Taysha Manifold took the ‘Best in Show’ award for her pastel ‘Eventide’
. Judge Liam Dickinson with Taysha
One painting by Val Jones has already sold, but most sales will remain in place until the end of the exhibition on 14th November so that they are included in the ‘People’s Vote’ for which there is a further award. Visitors are encouraged to vote for their favourite painting. Last year’s ‘People’s Choice Award’ went to Pat Richardson for her mixed media ‘Bleak Midwinter’ which later went on to be a finalist in ‘Lancashire Artist of the Year’.
Liam had encouraging words about all of the winning works and commented on the very high standard and huge variety of work exhibited. He said it was a pleasure to be involved in such a gathering to celebrate our work all together at such an event, as artists tend to work in isolation most of the time. This of course is the beauty of being a member of a society that meets every week to share ideas and techniques.
Exhibition Opening times are:
Weekdays 12 noon – 3pm
Weekends 10am – 3pm
Children are made very welcome at the exhibition and there are several activities designed to encourage them to interact. This includes finding hidden butterflies and building up an installation of coloured-in animals, butterflies and bees which will be pegged on to nets. There will also be some ‘street art’ built up by participants of all ages, using lining paper and art materials provided, which will be attached to one wall in the gallery. Some Lodge members will be working on art projects while supervising and will be happy to chat about their techniques.
New members of all abilities are always made very welcome to join the Society, and the current membership includes a wide age range and a good male/female balance. Visitors are encouraged to chat to members whilst at the exhibition, and even to try their hand at some painting before they leave. Children especially enjoy voting for their favourite painting.
Visitors’ contributions.
News 29/9/23:
Starting next week – our latest exhibition in the town centre, in the church. Call in for a coffee and buy some original art at reasonable prices – or just chat to members and find out more about Lodge Artists. Admission FREE.
News 26/9/23:
50 visitors attend One Day Exhibition!
Our annual one day art sale at our HQ attracted 50 local people to come and view a large selection of work and chat to members, with tea and cake to boot! In all 17 paintings and 25 greetings cards were sold on the day. Well done to Polly and all her helpers for a very successful day!
News 17/9/23:
Don’t Miss our one day exhibition next Sunday!
Congrats to member Pat Richardson for getting to the final of Lancashire Artist of the Year 2023!
Pat was chosen as one of 12 finalists whose work will appear on the 2024 calendar, which will be sold in all Lancashire County Council libraries and archives, with the winning artwork, by Mark Williamson, on the front cover. ‘Bleak Midwinter’, shown below, previously won our ‘People’s Choice’ award 2022 last November.
Mark Williamson with the calendar.
See all the other finalists’ work online: Artist of the year – Lancashire County Council.
Good Turnout for Social with other Groups!
Members from other local art groups enjoyed a social evening at Lodge HQ this week, with a quiz organized by David Jenkins and a competition between paintings selected by each group (3 per group).
Winners of the quiz.
Winner of painting competition Pat Richardson, Lodge Artists.
2nd place David Halliwell, Westhoughton Art Society.
3rd place Jean Spencer, Blackrod Art Group.
Bring and Buy Sale helps St. Catherine’s
On Wednesday 31st May a ‘Bring and Buy Sale’ among members raised £40 for St. Catherine’s Hospice and £40 for Lodge funds.
Lodge founder dies.
We have received the sad news that one of the founding members of Lodge Artists, David Jaundrell, died last Wednesday. He and a small group of artists met in a Brinscall pub back in 1979 and decided to form an art group. They chose the name of a local landmark – a body of water at the bottom of School Lane. He was himself a very talented and prolific artist, and we should be grateful that he and his friends were instigators in the forming of Lodge Artists Society Chorley. Our condolences go to his family.
Newer members winning prizes!
Congratulations to one of our newer members, Julie Searing, for winning the May competition ‘Still Life’ with this fabulous painting!
Congratulations to member Pat and new hubby!
Pat and Pete were married at Heskin Hall on Wednesday 6th April 2023. Many congratulations and best wishes from all Lodge members.
2023 AGM welcomes new Chair.
Members gathered at BWARA HQ for the annual general meeting on Wednesday 1st March 2023 and were given a final report by outgoing Chair, Jackie Williams, as she handed over to Polly Carr after 5 years in the position. Sue Barnes announced the nominations for:
Chair, Polly,
Vice Chair, Kev Fowler,
Treasurer, Julia Rowley, assisted by Lesley Gardener,
Exhibition Secretary, David Jenkins,
Membership Secretary, Angela Hoyland,
and 5 other committee members – Stephen Sidebotham, Roger Gillet, Chloe Hutchins, Julie Harling and Sally Dempsey.
All were voted for on block by show of hands, and a special welcome was expressed to Sally, the newest addition to the committee, and Lesley Gardener who will represent the Treasurer at committee meetings.
New Chair, Polly Carr.
Treasurer Julia and ex Chair Jackie receive flowers from members.
New committee member Sally Dempsey.
Lodge AGM Wednesday 1st March 7pm for 7.15pm start
Find out what’s in store for 2023/24 as a member of Lodge Artists Society Chorley by attending our AGM at BWARA, School Lane, Brinscall on Wednesday 1st March 2023. Members old and new will be invited to sign up for another year and a new committee and officers will be voted in. Doors open at 7pm and meeting starts at 7.15pm prompt.
Some amazing paintings were submitted to our January competition this week. See the Top 3 in the Gallery.
These two didn’t even get a place!
Lodge members triumph at Garstang Open Art Competition!
Congratulations to Lodge members Taysha and George for coming 1st and joint 3rd in the Garstang Open Art Exhibition this January. Amazing result for the Society.
‘Pandamonium’ by Taysha Manifold won 1st prize.
Falconry in Arabia by George Horsfield took joint 3rd place.
Judging was by well known local artist, Norman Long. Presentation took place 11am on Saturday 14th January at the Art Centre in Garstang and the exhibition runs until 9th February. Both Taysha and George will be invited to exhibit at the Arts Centre in the summer with the other winners.
Christmas party 2023 – 27 dine at The Dressers.
A great time enjoyed by all – good food, service, atmosphere and great company wrapping up another successful year for Lodge Artists. Happy Christmas!
People’s Choice 2022
Congratulations to Pat Richardson for winning the ‘People’s Choice’ vote with her painting ‘Bleak Midwinter’ at this year’s Annual Exhibition. 2nd place went to Mike Matulewicz for Red Sky at Morning and joint 3rd were George Horsfield ‘A Clear Round’ and Brenda Smith for ‘Early Morning Workout’. Pat also won a highly commended award for one of her other two paintings submitted and sold the third! George also won Highly Commended for his ‘Girl Talk’. Well done to all!
Another great Members’ Workalong by Roger!
This time Roger was demonstrating drawing techniques in charcoal, which was greatly enjoyed by all. Here are just two examples of what was learnt by Polly and Lorraine.
Here is an online event that you can attend from the comfort of your own home, tickets cost £5.00
Painting on tin foil with Pat
Members turned out in force tonight to enjoy a workalong with Pat Richardson painting with acrylics on kitchen foil to provide texture and vibrant colours.
Sketching in Astley Park
What better way to spend a lovely summer afternoon than sketching with Rodney in Astley Park? While the clubhouse was closed for a special event members spent the afternoon following Rod’s example of how to fill a sketchbook with fabulous observations and creations.
Next demo – Elise Hendry Wed. 20th July
Pam in praise of Mackintosh
As always, a fascinating talk and work along from Pam Williams, whose enthusiasm for everything Mackintosh was truly infectious. Members then experimented with his style to produce their own design, as shown by Rod Walmsley’s delicate piece above.
Loz teaches how to create on tablet
An enthusiastic group of members took advantage of the chance to learn more about how to use Procreate on their tablet with Loz at this week’s meeting. He has developed his skills over the last few years and sold many of his prints as well as winning awards at our exhibitions for them.
Pastels in the style of Les Darlow
Following our latest demo by Les Darlow last week members tried out his technique at the next meeting, with some satisfying results, Rodney working from imagination, Julia encouraged by Polly working from the same reference and Jackie remembering a Florida sunset.
l. Rodney r. Polly
l. Julia r. Jackie
Christmas Party Enjoyed by All!
Lodge Artists’ Christmas Party 2022 was held at The Dressers Arms, Wheelton this Wednesday (15th December) and was well attended by members, who all agreed the food and service was first class. We also had a bit more room to circulate than previous years. Chloe and Jonathan were presented with two of Kev’s paintings, which he kindly donated and we got framed up, to thank them both for their work at our meetings throughout the year.
Val sweeps People’s Choice Awards
Val Jones won this year’s People’s Choice Award with her pastel ‘Eilean Donan Castle’ with 27 votes, and took second place as well for ‘Plockton, Scotland’ with 24. Third place went to Rod Walmsley for ‘Skippol Creek’ with 23 votes.
Votes were spread widely over all the paintings and everyone got at least one vote.
Those with 10 or more were as follows:
Pat Richardson ‘Heather’s Out’ – 20
Rod Walmsley ‘Old Railway Bridge’ – 18
Jackie Williams ‘Dunes’ – 15
George Horsfield – ‘Jamie Frazer’ – 15
David Jenkins – ‘Farne Islands’ – 15
Jackie Williams – ‘Octopus’s Garden’ – 14
Rod Walmsley – ‘Post & Pebbles’ – 13
Pam Williams – ‘Old Town Square’ – 13
Lorna Hulme – ‘Cherries’ – 11
Sue Barnes – ‘Meadow’ – 10
Chorley Guardian.
Pam’s cards selling well in The Coach House
Sir Lindsay was impressed by Pam Williams’ work turning prints of members’ paintings into cards to sell in aid of St. Catherine’s Hospice, and purchased several himself. He and his wife also started their Christmas shopping by buying two paintings – one by Julia Rowley and the other a digital masterpiece by Loz Lomax.
Julia’s painting, which won Lodge’s September competition ‘A Riot of Texture’.
Sir Lindsay launches a ‘fabulous display of talent’ at our annual exhibition.
Lodge Artists have been busy painting all through lockdown and have helped many Chorley residents to take up art as a new and rewarding hobby. Both V.I.P. guests at this event, held at 10.30am in the Coach House Gallery on Saturday 6th November, have been great advocates of the arts in the town in recent years, so it was very fitting that Father Neil of St. Laurence Church and Chorley’s own MP and Speaker of the House of Commons, Sir Lindsay Hoyle, should be judging and presenting the awards.
Once Sir Lindsay had called ‘Order!’ to the gathering of members and guests, Jackie Williams, Chairman of Lodge Artists welcomed everyone and handed over to Father Neil to describe how and why he had chosen each winning painting. There were six awards for: Best Pastel, won by ‘Sunbathing’ by Kev Fowler, Best Oil, won by ‘Storm over Bute’ by Roger Gillet, Best Watercolour, won by ‘Esthwaite Water’ by Pam Williams, Best Acrylic, won by ‘Old Railway Bridge’ by Rod Walmsley, Best Drawing won by ‘Til Death do us Part’ by Phil Catterall, and Best Mixed Media, won by ‘Heather’s Out’ by Pat Richardson. When it came to choosing ’Best in Show’ he said he closed his eyes and imagined which of the paintings he had studied he would most want to hang on his wall, and decided it must be a joint award – for one ‘traditional’ and one ‘modern’ – and he chose ‘Colours of Scotland’ by Judith Herring and an abstract ‘Octopus’s Garden’ by Jackie Williams.
Sir Lindsay congratulated all the winners and all the other exhibitors, saying the fabulous exhibition showed a wealth of talent of which the town can be proud. He urged people to spread the word to their friends and family to visit the exhibition and get involved with the creativity that is growing and thriving in the community.
Covid precautions will be taken in the Gallery, making it a safe environment, and it is a great opportunity for art lovers to meet and chat to members of the society and even consider having a go themselves, as newcomers of all abilities are always made very welcome to join the society.
Exhibition opening times are:
Friday, Saturday and Sunday: 10am-4pm until Sunday 28th November 2021.
The Coach House Gallery, Astley Park, Chorley is next to/above Café Ambio.
Our 43rd Exhibition starts soon!
Sir Lindsay Hoyle will be presenting the awards on Saturday 6th December 10.30am in The Coach House Gallery, Astley Park, ably assisted by our judge Father Neil of St. Laurence Church.
Exhibition runs from Friday 5th to Sunday 28th November 2021 10am – 4pm Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Admission FREE!
Margaret Lowe
One of the early members of the Society, shown here receiving an award at one of our annual exhibitions in Astley Hall, has passed away. Many of our long-standing members, who remember her fondly, may wish to send their condolences to her family, as we do here as current members.
4 paintings sold so far in Café Ambio
Brenda Smith – ‘A Riot of Colour’
Julia Rowley – ‘Yorkshire Sunrise’
Rod Walmsley – ‘Pembrokeshire Coastal Walk’
Loz Lomax – ‘Walk with Me’
Well done guys!
Catch our next demo night – Wed. 20th October 2021 7.30pm!
All welcome!
St.Laurence Exhibition raised £421.35 for church funds!
Our Summer Exhibition 2021, the first ever to be held in St. Laurence Church, Chorley, achieved £1,685.00, 22 paintings sold, resulting in commission of £421.35 going to the church.
Good luck Pat with your exhibition!
Member Pat Richardson has a solo exhibition in St.Laurence Church, Chorley from Tuesday – opening times Tues-Fri 11am – 2pm, Sat 1pm – 4pm (weddings permitting) and Sunday 12noon – 3pm.
One Day Exhibition TODAY!
Another great display of original art at bargain prices for sale throughout the day TODAY (19th Sept.’21) at our HQ, BWARA, on School Lane, Brinscall 10am – 4pm. Entrance just £1, children free. Don’t miss it!
Members raise £50 for Alzheimer’s research
Thanks to Polly Carr, members recently donated £50 to this worthy cause by purchasing art materials from a friend who has recently been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s.
Ex secretary of Lodge Artists dies
It is with sadness we have learnt that a former member of Lodge Artists Society, Joan Bond, who was Secretary for many years in the very early days, died on Saturday. She left the art group after suffering a stroke several years ago. Our sympathies go out to her family and friends.
5 days left at St.Laurence Church – 18 sold to date!
Members to collect paintings on Monday 2nd August. Exhibition team will dismantle from 9am. All work must be out before 10am.
Painting Padiham Sat 11th September
Sketching in Astley Park
Our expert sketcher Rod at work.
New member Paula
Great to see our two newest members, Paula and Phil, amongst the members who met in Astley Park for a rare outdoor meeting this week, sketching in the evening sunshine. Beautiful!
New Member
Congratulations to our newest member, Phil Catterall, for coming in second in the June Theme Night ‘A Day at the Seaside’ with his charcoal work. Great to have you with us Phil!
St.Laurence exhibition almost midway with 9 sales so far!
images by ISF photography.
Lodge is back up and running!
14 members got together on Wednesday (9th June) to resume regular weekly meetings of Lodge Artists at BWARA HQ in Brinscall. There were a good number of entries for the competition, Best Lock-Down Painting, which was won by Julia Rolwley for her landscape in oil, shown above. 2nd went to Pat Richardson and 3rd to Jackie Williams. You can see all three paintings in the gallery.
Next week is a demo presented by Harry Caunce who will be painting a ‘Ribble landscape’. Non members are very welcome (£5 on the door). Please book your place via so we can make sure numbers allow for safe spacing out of seating.
Great start to the exhibition with 3 sales
Congratulations to David Jenkins, Sue Barnes and Pam Williams!
Support from Sir Lindsay for our exhibition
Lindsay Hoyle visited our exhibition in the church on Tuesday as it opened lending his support and encouragement.
Lodge Artists Summer Exhibition 2021
St. Laurence Church, Union St, Chorley PR7 1EB
Tuesday 1st June to Saturday 31st July 2021 inclusive.
Opening times:
Tuesday – Friday: 11am-2pm
Saturday: 1pm – 4pm (weddings permitting)
Sundays: 12noon – 3pm.
Entrance free
Lodge Artists are proud to be launching this unique exhibition space with our first exhibition for 2021.
Come and enjoy a great variety of local art in the beautiful interior of this ancient church building.
(Pen and wash sketch by Rod Walmsley, Lodge member)
See the Exhibitions page for results of 42nd Annual Exhibition awards!
The Winners of 41st Annual Exhibition 2019 are announced…
At a Preview Event in The Farmhouse Gallery last Friday the 10 winners were announced by Alistair Sheret of Longridge Gallery and presented by The Mayor of Chorley, Hasina Khan.
As he presented the awards Alistair congratulated the society on the very high standard of work in the exhibition.
‘Best in Show’ award was Graham Sutch for his oil painting ‘Beware the Sumatran Beauty’. As Graham could not attend, his wife collected the cup on his behalf. Best Pastel was won by Val Jones for ‘Penmon Point, Wales’ and Alistair commented that there were many other excellent pastel paintings in that category this year. Best Wildlife was won by Roger Gillet for his coloured pencil ‘Looking at You’. A special ‘Best Oil’ award, in memory of Ernie Ingham and donated by his family, was won by Kev Fowler for his stunning ‘Made My Day’ sunflowers. 6 Highly Commended awards were won by Pauline Carr, George Horsfield, Pat Richardson, Pauline Collins, Anne Hoghton and Rod Walmsley. Two paintings were sold on the day.
Lodge Artists’ 41st Annual Exhibition
starts with our Preview Event which is at 11am Friday 29th November in The Farmhouse Gallery where our judge, Alistair Sheret from Longridge Gallery will announce the winners and The Mayor will present the awards.
The exhibition will be open every Friday, Saturday and Sunday until Sunday 22nd December 12noon – 3.30pm. Don’t miss it! All new original works in all sizes and assorted media at amazingly low prices!
Admission is FREE.
One Day Sale at HQ a great team effort!
Our one day exhibition displayed a huge array of superb work at bargain prices. Lead by Polly, a team of members put together an impressive exhibition in record time on the morning. In spite of inclement weather about 80 visitors came through the doors and £97 of paintings and cards were sold.
Lodge members inspire local school’s art class
Lodge members Rod Walmsley and Julie Harling kindly responded to an appeal from deputy head of St. Mary’s School, Chorley (Jessica) to come and give her year 2 class some inspiration and tips on sketching. In two lengthy sessions, the pair took them from recognising shapes and forms to applying colour first to line drawings of local landmarks. The children thoroughly enjoyed it and produced some great work.
Great job Rod and Julie!
BBC studios need artists…
We have been contacted by the BBC to encourage members to apply to be on the next series of HOME IS WHERE THE ART IS’. Anyone interested can get an application form by emailing
Lodge Summer Exhibition is a Big Success!
This year’s exhibition in the Farmhouse Gallery, Astley Park saw 1,860 people through the doors and 17 paintings sold. Many people voted for their favourite painting and the clear winner was a pastel by Val Jones – Evening Light, Windermere. Val’s piece was among the 17 sold, of which two were hers. Val received the new ‘Bob Carr Award’, presented by Polly Carr in memory of her husband who died last year. Bob was a very popular and hardworking member of Lodge for many years, also assisting Polly during her years as Chairman.
This is the list of paintings sold:
Sue Barns ‘Waders over Water’ £60
Polly Carr “Autumn on Arran’ £80
Pauline Collins ‘West from Arran’ £30
Pauline Collins ‘The Flat Calm’ £40
Pauline Collins ‘Hare Moon’ £20
Kev Fowler ‘Across the Bay’ £80
Lesley Gardner ‘The Echinacea’ £40
Rosie Rimmer The Stream’ £100
Rosie Rimmer ‘Smithills Moor 1’ £55
Rosie Rimmer ‘Smithills Moor 2’ £50
Julie Harling ‘Echinacea’ £40
Judith Herring ‘Hebredian Heaven’ £95
David Jenkins ‘The Goit 2’ £100
Val Jones ‘Hydrangea’ £65
Val Jones ‘Evening Light, Windermere’ £65
Rod Walmsley ‘Ingleton Falls £105
Pam Williams ‘Clematis’ £40
Top 20 People’s Vote:
1. Val Jones ‘Evening Light, Windermere‘ 85
2. Graham Sutch ‘Summertime by the Lake‘ 43
3. Judith Herring ‘Hebridean Heaven‘ 32
4. Polly Carr ‘Autumn on Arran‘ 29
5. Jackie Williams ‘Spring in White Coppice‘ 25
6. Val Jones ‘ Hydrangea‘ 24
7. Pauline Collins ‘Summer in Tiree‘ 18
8. (joint)Rod Walmsley ‘Whisper of Light‘ 17
8. (joint)Ann Houghton ‘Party cats‘ 17
9. Graham Sutch ‘Happy Hour in the Ngorongoro‘ 13
10. Roger Gillet ‘Girl with Dog‘ 12
11. Rod Walmsley ‘The Courtyard Astley Hall‘ 11
12.(joint)Val Jones ‘Towards Bank Clough‘ 10
12. (joint) Jackie Williams ‘Budapest‘ 10
12. (joint) Kev Fowler ‘Across the bay‘ 10
13. (joint)Roger Gillett ‘Lions‘ 9
13. (joint) Rod Walmsley ‘Woodland Walk‘ 9
14. (joint)Julia Rowley ‘Keeping Watch‘ 8
14. (joint) Rosie Rimmer ‘Ardalanish Mull‘ 8
15. Jackie Williams ‘Prague by Night‘ 7
1-5 in the top 20 of the people’s votes can be seen in our Gallery
Take a look at Rod Walmsley’s great panoramic Urban Sketching in Walton Le Dale on our ‘show and tell’ Facebook page.
Summer still life – ‘in and around the potting shed’
Members did some colourful sketches based on images posted on our demo page at this week’s meeting. Here are a few of the resulting sketches.
17 paintings sold at a very successful exhibition!
Our summer exhibition wound up this weekend with another soggy flower show but a good flow of visitors and many appreciative comments in our visitors’ book. Many people showed interest in visiting one of our meetings and took away information about the society and our other exhibitions. Among those to sell was the largest painting in the show, a magnificent acrylic on canvas by Polly Carr ‘Autumn on Arran’ which was created on the Lodge’s Annual trip to Scotland this year. See others on our Facebook ‘show and tell’ page.
Visit our latest exhibition
in The Farmhouse Gallery Astley Park, Chorley. A large selection of original paintings, many of local views – 4 sold already!
Well done Rod!
Lodge member, Rod Walmsley achieved a Very Highly Commended award for his painting in the Brownedge Exhibition this year.
Operation Snowdrop – volunteers needed!
Astley Park need volunteers this Saturday morning to help plant 10,000 snowdrops to fill in the gaps in the snowdrop trail. Willing helpers please turn up in the Courtyard (by café ambio) at 9.30am, with a spade if possible!
Members Closed Facebook Group
Make sure you take full advantage of our ‘Show and Tell’ Facebook page. Only members will be able to see it (policed by our Kev, Vice Chair). A chance to share ideas, get some feedback on your latest project or find out about exhibitions and workshops in the area. Just click on the ‘f’ at the foot of this or any page.
‘People’s Choice 2019’ is The Owl & Pussy Cat!
The most popular painting with visitors to our 40th Annual Exhibition 2018 was The Owl and Pussy Cat by Patsy Todd, closely followed by Winter Trees 2 by Pauline Collins, which was also chosen as number one Members’ Choice.
Joint runners up for Members’ Choice were ‘Down by the River’ by Kev Fowler and ‘Impressions of Budapest’ by Jackie Williams.
Winners of the ‘People’s Vote’ and ‘Members’ Vote’.
Other results of the People’s Vote were:
3rd ‘The Calm’ by Pauline Collins
4th ‘Canal, Hebden Bridge’ by Rod Walmsley
5th ‘Blue Danube’ by Jackie Williams
6th ‘St. George’s Church’ by George Horsfield.
Celebrating 40 years
Polly was back with us to celebrate 40 great years as the best local art society! Cake made and iced by the Sidebothams – it was delicious!
Chorley Markets star in Lodge Artists’ 40th Annual Art Exhibition
Lodge Artists, Chorley celebrated their 40th anniversary with a preview of their latest exhibition of around 70 original paintings in the Activity Space in Astley Park last Friday evening (30th November). Councillor Alistair Bradley, presented the awards and was delighted to hear from judge Nikki Taylor, Head of Runshaw Visual Arts, that she had selected ‘Chorley Markets’ by George Horsfield for the top award ‘Best in Show’. The Council had already expressed an interest in acquiring a print of the painting to display in the market area and prints are available to buy from George’s Facebook page. Nikki said it had captured the spirit of the market and the detail was fascinating and true to life.
As he presented the awards Alistair congratulated the society on the contribution they make to the town – by encouraging people to be creative and showing how it can be done by staging such exhibitions. Jackie Williams (Chair) announced that there have been 13 new members this year and the numbers are growing all the time. The society welcomes all ages and abilities to come and try their hand.
Nikki announced that the winners of the best pastel was ‘Warlord’ by Kev Fowler, who also won a Highly Commended for his acrylic ‘Down by the River’. Best Wildlife was won by Graham Sutch for ‘Standoff in the Negorongoro’ and further Highly Commended awards were won by Val Jones, ‘A Gap in the Wall’, Pauline Collins ‘Winter Trees’, Patsy Todd ‘Walking to Winter’, Judith Herring, ‘Whitby’ and Rod Walmsley, ‘Shady Lane’. A special ‘Runshaw Gold Award’ was won by June Crawford.
Three paintings were sold on the night.
The exhibition runs throughout December and opening times will be Thursday, Friday 12noon – 4pm and weekends 10am – 4pm. Admission is free and paintings are for sale at very reasonable prices. There are also a selection of greetings cards featuring members’ paintings for sale in support of St. Catherine’s Hospice.
During the exhibition visitors are invited to vote for another award the ‘People’s Choice’ and members too choose their favourite painting for the ‘Members’ Choice’ award. These winners will be announced after the exhibition has closed.
5. 6.
7. 8.
1. Best in Show – ‘Chorley markets’ by George Horsfield(left) with Nikki Taylor(centre) and Alistair Bradley(right).
2. Best Pastel – ‘Warlord’ by Kev Fowler
3. Best Wildlife – ‘Standoff in the Negorongoro’ by Graham Sutch.
4. ‘Down by the River’ by Kev Fowler
5. ‘A Gap in the Wall’ by Val Jones
6. ‘Walking to Winter’ by Patsy Todd
7. ‘Shady Lane’ by Rod Walmsley
8. ‘Winter Trees’ by Pauline Collins
9. ‘Whitby’ by Judith Herring.
10. The Winners r. Nikki Taylor, Patsy Todd, George Horsfield, Rod Walmsley, Val Jones, Judith Herring, Alistair Bradley.
Lodge Artists’ 40th Annual Exhibition
We are pleased to invite followers of Lodge Artists’ work to come to our preview evening on Friday 30th November 2018 where Nikki Taylor of Runshaw College will be judging and Alistair Bradley, leader of Chorley Council presenting the awards. The exhibition will run throughout December and will be open 12noon – 4pm Thurs.Fri. and 10am – 4pm weekends. Also open 1pm – 4pm on the 27th, 28th and 29th December. This year we have 66 paintings in assorted media, large and small, to suit all tastes. Any paintings purchased as Christmas presents can be collected on the 23rd December. The exhibition ends on 29th December.
This week’s Chorley Guardian.
Students’ Art Exhibition at Astley Hall

Nikki Taylor, Head of School Visual Arts
This weekend is your last chance to see the work of Runshaw College art students on display at Astley Hall, Chorley. Click here for more information.
We are pleased to announce that Nikki Taylor, Head of School Visual Arts, Runshaw College, will be judging our 40th Annual Exhibition which launches on Friday 30th November at our special preview event 7pm in Astley Activity Space. Lodge Artists 40th annual exhibition runs throughout December, with opening Thursday/Friday 12noon – 4pm, Saturday/ Sunday 10am – 4pm. Admission FREE to both exhibitions.
Tribute to Ernie Ingham
Our dear friend and fellow member Ernie Ingham has died after a short spell in hospital. Ernie had many friends at Lodge Artists and will be sadly missed. He was an extremely talented artist and was often among the award winners at our exhibitions for his extremely detailed landscapes, which he sometimes re-created in different seasons (as shown here).
Local Exhibitions
South Ribble Open Art Exhibition is back for another year. This gives anyone in the Borough of South Ribble an opportunity to enter their artwork for exhibition. You do not have to be part of an art group or society, anyone can enter. Full details are available on the entry form which you can collect from the museum or download here. Feel free to contact the museum if you still have any queries.
Charlie Holt Exhibition
South Ribble Museum and Exhibition Centre, Church Road, Leyland PR25 3FJ, 1st-27th October 2018
His work has its roots in pop art, surrealism and dada and is almost exclusively collage, both traditional cut and paste and digital often combining both …raw material is culled from posters in the streets, magazines and newspapers.
Opened by Mayor of S.Ribble at 11am Saturday 6th October.
Lancashire Encounter 2018
3 day event – Friday 21st, Saturday 22 and Sunday 23rd September on Preston Flag Market in front of the Harris Museum.
“New Longton Artists” and “Preston Art Society” will have stands present on the Saturday displaying their work. Also it is hoped that some Artists will be Painting “En Plein air” in and around the area (weather permitting).
Art Club of the Year Competition
Lodge Artists are entering the Leisure Painter Art Club of the Year competition this year and 5 Paintings were chosen at last week’s meeting by members’ vote to be our entries. Paintings were by Kev Fowler (‘Don’t fence us in’), Val Jones (still life), Jackie Williams (Budapest), Rod Walmsley (‘In the Shade’) and Graham Sutch (Rhinos).
Astley Hall Biennial Art Competition
To enter, please call 01257 515928 or email NOW to arrange for a day to deliver your artwork to Astley Hall.
Exhibition dates – Saturday 15 September 2018 to Sunday 11 November 2018
Launch morning tea & coffees: 11am Saturday 15 Sept.
Maximum of two pieces per entrant. All works to be delivered to Astley Hall between 9am-5pm Monday 10, Tuesday 11 or Wednesday 12 Sept (we will set a day to take them all in together).
Collection of pieces will need to be 9am-5pm again, Monday 12 – Wednesday 14 November.
There will be two awards as usual, a Judges Award and People’s Choice, with the winner of the Judges Award getting to use the gallery for their own exhibition for roughly the same dates in 2019.
New Exhibition Venue – Brockholes Nature Reserve, Preston New Rd, Preston PR5 0AG
Lodge Artists have been invited to stage an exhibition of original paintings in the Ice Cream Parlour at Brockholes throughout August and September this year. All works are for sale and subjects are flora, fauna and wildlife.
Art Club of the Year Competition
The competition is open to art clubs across the UK. Only online entries can be accepted. Only original work will be considered and paintings based on reference photographs must have been taken by the artist or used with the permission of the photographer. Photography, except where incorporated into collage, is not acceptable.
FIVE entries per art club of two-dimensional work in any media.
No entry should be larger than 120x150cm WHEN FRAMED (canvases do not need to be framed).
Entries will be judged after September 9 when selected art clubs will be called for exhibition. All work must be framed (canvases excepted) ready for exhibition from October 13 to November 11, 2018 at Patchings Art Centre, Nottinghamshire.
Successful art clubs will be notified during the week commencing September 16 about delivering their work between 1 and 8 October to Patchings Art Centre.
All care will be taken with entries but no responsibility can be accepted for loss or damage in transit, incoming or outgoing, whilst on the competition premises or during the exhibition. Originals selected and submitted for final exhibition must be fully insured by the artist.
Original works must be left with the organisers throughout the exhibition.
By entering the competition you agree to allow The Artist and Leisure Painter and PaintersOnline to repurpose your artwork in both print and digital formats, including but not limited to magazines, websites, databases and as part of downloadable digital products.
Blackrod Art Group
A coach trip to Holmfirth booked for Wednesday, 4th July. Coach will leave from Blackrod approx. 9.15am, £15.00 cost. Holmfirth hosts a week’s Art Festival and Art trail, we have planned our visit to coincide with it. Holmfirth is a lovely town, amidst amazing scenery, and of course, home of ‘Last of the Summer Wine’. it also has Ashley Jackson’s gallery which is well worth a visit.
Other trips scheduled are: Grasmere for the Lake Artists exhibition on Wednesday, 22nd August. Bowes Museum (a long journey- but well worth it) 17th October. All welcome.
Astley Hall Biennial Art Competition
Exhibition dates – Saturday 15 September 2018 to Sunday 11 November 2018
Launch morning tea & coffees: 11am Saturday 15 Sept.
Maximum of two pieces per entrant. All works to be delivered to Astley Hall between 9am-5pm Monday 10, Tuesday 11 or Wednesday 12 Sept (we will set a day to take them all in together).
Collection of pieces will need to be 9am-5pm again, Monday 12 – Wednesday 14 November.
There will be two awards as usual, a Judges Award and People’s Choice, with the winner of the Judges Award getting to use the gallery for their own exhibition for roughly the same dates in 2019.
Tribute to Bob Carr
It is with great sadness that we must announce that one of our well-loved members, Bob Carr, passed away at 4pm yesterday 14th May 2018. Bob has worked hard for the society for many years, assisting Polly during her time as Chairman in particular. He was extremely popular and will be sadly missed by Lodge members and friends. Our deepest sympathy goes out to Polly and her family.
9th Annual Art Trail, Southport Contemporary Arts
12th – 20th May 2018
for more info. see
Great results from Tony Barrow Workshop
Lesley Gardner (member) painting
Kev Fowler (member) painting
Tony produced the above two paintings during the day’s session. Examples of members’ work to follow. Great insight into Tony’s amazing techniques.
Tony Barrow Workshop – Saturday 28th April at Lodge HQ
A chance to try out Tony’s brilliant technique in a full day workshop 9.30am to 4.30pm. One place only still available. Just £20. Amazing value! Enquire here for full details –
Farington Art Group
Demonstration by Judith Herring – Acrylics.
£3 with refreshments and raffle.
Thursday 19th April 2018 7pm-9pm in St Pauls Church Hall, Farington.
Art Club of The Year
Lodge Artists will be entering the Leisure Painter Art Club of the Year 2018 and will hold a competition to select the 5 paintings to represent the Society in the summer (deadline date to be announced). Last year’s winner was Cardigan Art Society and their selection covered many different media including a collage and a lino print. Shortlisted entries will go forward into the Patchings Exhibition 13th October to 11th November 2018 from which the overall winner will be selected. More details to follow soon.
People’s Choice goes to Steve
People’s Choice – Kingfisher, by Steve Sidebottom
Members’ Choice – Wild Wood by Pauline Collins.
Winner of the people’s vote, given by visitors during the annual exhibition, went to ‘The Kingfisher’ by Steve Sidebottom, after votes were counted by chairman Polly Carr at last week’s meeting. The Members’ Choice award went to Pauline Collins for her painting ‘Wild Wood’.
Lodge 39th Annual Exhibition is on now!
This year the exhibition is in The Farmhouse Gallery and is open daily from 12noon to 3.30pm throughout December. Great chance to buy some original art at reasonable prices.
Rosie Rimmer’s oil painting of ‘The Pike’ won the Ray Landless Best in Show award and the first painting to sell was by George Horsfield which sold on the preview night
See exhibition page for details of other winners.
Members’ Christmas party 2017
Christmas panel goes up at B.W.A.R.A. !
The colourful display of festive squares created each year by Lodge members brings Christmas cheer to the headquarters and is generally enjoyed by all the club members.
Our 39th Annual Exhibition is coming up!
Lodge members are busy preparing work for our fantastic annual exhibition which will be in The Farmhouse Gallery, Astley Park from 2nd to 23rd December inclusive, plus 30th & 31st December, with a preview evening on Friday 1st December 7pm.
Members chose a painting by George Horsfield entitled ‘Miss P.’ to feature on publicity material for the exhibition.
Opening times are: 12 noon until 3-30 pm daily. Entry free. Come and see some fabulous original paintings by local artists, available to buy at bargain prices.

Chorley Guardian article October ’17
Members and Guests enjoy Lodge Social Evening
Another successful social evening was held at Lodge HQ this week. Guest from other local art groups joined us for a relaxed evening and art competition, with quiz, supper and raffle prizes. Paintings were selected by each society and everyone voted for their two favourites. Winner was George Horsfield for his painting, which is being used on publicity for our annual exhibition. Second prize was awarded to Elise Hendry and in third place was her husband Dave Hendry. The couple were on their honeymoon having recently married.
Our 39th Annual Exhibition is coming up!
Lodge members are busy preparing work for our fantastic annual exhibition which will be in The Farmhouse Gallery, Astley Park from 2nd to 23rd December inclusive, plus 30th & 31st December, with a preview evening on Friday 1st December 7pm.
Opening times are: 12 noon until 3-30 pm daily. Entry free. Come and see some fabulous original paintings by local artists, available to buy at bargain prices.
Come along to our one-day Exhibition
One day only Sunday 17th September at our HQ in Brinscall. Paintings by local artists to view and buy. Entrance Free. 10am – 4pm. Everyone welcome!
Lodge Artists’ ‘Summertime’ Exhibition
Farmhouse Gallery, Astley Park, Chorley Friday 30th June 2017 to Sunday 30th July 2017. Entry Free!
Ken Bromley Cover Competition – open for entries
deadline 7th July 2017.
Don’t miss New Longton’s Exhibition!
Well done George!
Lodge member George Horsfield was awarded ‘Best in Show’ at this year’s Brownedge Festival, for his charcoal portrait entitled ‘Young Marilyn’.
Guardian covers results..
Christmas Wall is up!
Our ever-popular Christmas wall, made up of squares painted by members, is now on display at our HQ at B.A.W.R.A. in Brinscall.
Annual Exhibition results
MP Lindsay Hoyle declared that the Society is clearly going from strength to strength as he presented the awards to the winning artists at the 38th Annual Exhibition in Astley Hall on Friday 11th November 2016.
Best in show Ray Landless trophy was awarded to Rosie Rimmer for her painting in mixed media – ‘The Ocean’.
The Ron Hobson ‘Wildlife Trophy’ was awarded to George Horsfield for a dramatic ink drawing entitled
‘Rhino’ and June Crawford won the ‘John Buckles Memorial Trophy’ for her pastel painting of ‘Bertie and Bess’.
Six other members received ‘Highly Commended’ awards for paintings that judge Gerry Halpin MBE felt showed particular creative skills.00
These were: Brenda Smith for her water colour ‘Walk through the woods’, Stephen Cross for his oil on
canvas ‘The Path by the Lodge’, Roger Gillett for his pencil drawing ‘Making a Splash’, Pat Richardson for
Harvest Time, Loz Lomax for Copse Sunlight, and Val Jones for Summer Harbour.
The exhibition is open every weekend until 18th December. 12noon – 4.30pm Saturday and Sunday through November and 10am – 4.30pm December.
00Tribute to Sheila Poole
(who died 1st October 2016)
Sheila was a much loved member of The Lodge Artists Society, Chorley and until recently came to meetings especially when we had a guest speaker. She was a talented artist, willing to share her knowledge with others.
Sheila was a very interesting person who had many hobbies an skills, we have missed her as her health deteriorated preventing her from living the active life she had always loved.
Sheila’s son, Kevin Poole, writes “She was very frustrated that her health kept her from carrying on with the Lodge, which she had always immensely enjoyed – she still treasured the photo album from her 80th birthday celebrations with you in 2009. I remember coming to a meeting with her a few years ago, and I was struck by the warmth and friendliness of everyone. She always took us to see the annual show at Astley Hall if we visited when it was on.”
Don’t miss our annual exhibition in Astley Hall
Every Saturday and Sunday from 12th November to 18th December. Preview evening Friday 11th 6.30pm – all welcome. Opening times 12noon – 4.30pm November and 10am – 4.30pm December.
Farmhouse Exhibition a Great Success once again!
This year thousands of visitors came to see the ‘Summertime’ exhibition – 1,100 over the Chorley Flower Show weekend alone – and 12 paintings were sold. Many people also took away flyers with an invitation to attend a meeting free of charge and see what the art club is all about. New members are always welcome.
Farmhouse Gallery, Astley Park – Summertime Theme.
Exhibition in the Farmhouse Gallery 2nd July to 30th July.
Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday, 12 noon until 3-30 pm

Members hanging the paintings
Read about it in this week’s Chorley Guardian!
Pauline wins Members’ Choice and Public Choice awards.
Every year visitors are invited to vote for their favourite painting in the Lodge Artists’ Annual Exhibition, held this time in the new Farmhouse Gallery in Astley Park during November and December.
The Members also have a separate vote for their favourite piece of work. This year Pauline Collins won both awards for her beautiful acrylic painting ‘The Bay’ which featured a sky of dramatic clouds and beautiful shades of blue, mauve, pink and grey in the wet sands, with flocks of seabirds. ‘The Bay’ also won the ‘wildlife award’ judged by local artist Anthony Barrow at the preview in November. Pauline won the Members’ Choice award last year for her painting ‘Fifty Shades of Grey’, also a seascape.
Runner up for the People’s Choice was a painting with images of Chorley by Jackie Williams, soon to be on display in the town hall, and in third place a seascape by Judith Herring.
The exhibition was enjoyed by over 2,000 people during the 6 week run, and 16 paintings were sold. A special painting donated by one of the society’s regular demo artists, Harry Caunce, after a recent visit to the Society, was also on display during the exhibition and raffle tickets were sold for it in support of St.Catherine’s Hospice. Visitor Gillian Smith pulled out the winning ticket on Saturday 20th December, the final day of the exhibition, and the winner was Debbie Carr. Debbie’s husband Graham and son Calum received the painting on her behalf from Chairman Polly. The raffle raised £115 for the Hospice.
Our Christmas wall at Lodge HQ
Once more this year Lodge members have created a Christmas wall 7′ x 4′ for B.W.A.R.A. members to enjoy.
‘Giant Thistle’ wins Best in Show award
Presenting the awards at the preview night of the 37th Annual Lodge Artists’ Exhibition in The Farmhouse Gallery on 13th November, the Mayor of Chorley, Councillor Marion Lowe, said that she already has a painting on her wall at home which was purchased eight years ago when her Consort was Mayor and performed the same duty for the Society.
Judge Anthony Barrow, a well-known local artist and tutor who is familiar with Lodge members from his demonstrations and workshops over recent years, said it took him a long time to choose the winners as the standard is so impressive. He was influenced by technique, use of colour and artistic quality and particularly favoured those works that showed an interesting variety of texture.
The top award ‘Best in Show’ was won by Pat Richardson for her painting ‘Giant Thistle’. Best pastel painting award went to Polly Carr for ‘From Arran’ and the Wildlife prize to Pauline Collins for ‘The Bay’.
Others who received the six ‘highly commended’ awards were Julia Rowley, Jackie Henry, Stephen Cross, Jackie Williams, Rosie Rimmer and Janet Cardwell.
‘The People’s Choice’ will be announced at the end of the exhibition and everyone who visits is encouraged to vote for their favourite painting. The exhibition is attracting a lot of attention and many paintings have already been sold but remain on display until the close.
The exhibition is open Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday 12noon – 3.30pm.
See all the winning paintings in our gallery.
37th Annual Exhibition starts this weekend!
Preview evening 7pm. this Friday (13th November).
Harry Caunce Workshop
Lodge artists enjoyed a special Harry Caunce workshop last Saturday at their B.W.A.R.A. headquarters in Brinscall.
Brenda wins October Competition to feature on the Poster and Programme
with her colourful work ‘Echinaleas’ created in oil pastels.
Brenda Smith’s painting was chosen by members to feature on the advertising material for this year’s exhibition in Astley Park. Because of refurbishment, this year’s exhibition will be held in The Farmhouse Gallery, not Astley Hall. Members display up to 5 paintings each in the hope of winning one of the awards and maybe selling some in the weeks from 13th November to 20th December.
Lodge welcome neighbouring art groups to Social Evening
60 members and guests enjoyed a social evening at Lodge HQ on Wednesday 30th September with hotpot supper and prizes for the quiz and the painting competition. The winning painting, by David Halliwell of Westhoughton art group, was chosen from approx 30 paintings submitted from all groups represented. Second prize went to Steve Sidebottom of Lodge Artists. Prizes were also awarded to three artists with equal votes in third place.
The Winner – David Halliwell Second Prize – Steve Sidebottom
Don’t miss our One-Day Exhibition at B.W.A.R.A. School Lane, Brinscall this Sunday 10-4pm.
Your chance to buy original art at low, low prices and see what Lodge Artists is all about. Entry free. Everyone welcome.
Wall to wall paintings in our Cafe Ambio exhibition – coverage by Chorley Guardian.
‘The exhibition was fantastic, I loved it. Thank you so much for your forethought. Next year if we get into the Britain in Bloom (or not) it would be great if you could join in with us again. Good luck with the Exhibition and would you thank everyone for their hard work from Chorley in Bloom.’ Iris Elaine Smith, Chairman of Chorley in Bloom.
Lodge Artists mourn a dear friend and talented artist – Ron Hobson.
At tonight’s meeting chairman Polly paid tribute to Ron Hobson, a long standing member of the society, who died on Monday, and asked members to stand for a minute’s silence to remember him.
She said “Our thoughts and prayers go out to Pauline and the family. Ron was a member for more than 25 years and influenced the development of the group over that time, as Chairman and supporting the committee. His paintings are outstanding, but he always appreciated and encouraged other members. We shall miss him very much.”
Wet-on-wet demo by Malcolm Bullock
Lodge members were given a live demo of Malcolm Bullock’s watercolour techniques as he painted one of his favourite views, using a limited palette of watercolours and finishing off with light detail in ink.
Polly wins First in Portrait Competition
Chairman of Lodge Artists, Polly Carr was awarded first place in the ‘pencil portrait’ category at The Haigh Show on 16th August. Well done Polly!
Message to Lodge Artists:
‘The exhibition was fantastic, I loved it. Thank you so much for your forethought. Next year if we get into the Britain in Bloom (or not) it would be great if you could join in with us again. Good luck with the Exhibition and would you thank everyone for their hard work from Chorley in Bloom.’ Iris Elaine Smith, Chairman of Chorley in Bloom.
Congratulations to Chorley in Bloom for the fabulous displays around the borough. The wild flowers are amazing.
‘Blooming Beautiful Brushworks’ exhibition opens in The Farmhouse Gallery 4th July- 2nd August 2015.
The hard-working team putting the exhibition together on Friday were photographed with their work for a feature in the Guardian next week (14th July). Watch out for it and get your copy!
Chorley Guardian feature our next exhibition
Our local newspaper have supported us again with a mention about our next exhibition in the Farmhouse Gallery.
Happy Birthday to Judith!
Lodge member Judith Herring got a big surprise at the weekly meeting when presented with a cake to celebrate her 50th birthday, depicting her as a beautiful, (well-endowed) mermaid!
Support St.Catherine’s Hospice
Lodge Artists’ paintings are featured on greetings cards for sale at the St. Catherine’s Hospice bookshops in Chorley and Ashton (Preston) and also the hospice shop. Left blank inside for your own greeting, the cards are in assorted sizes and retail for from £1.50, all of which goes to the hospice funds.
Lodge Exhibition celebrates Chorley in Bloom
Our next exhibition in Astley Park Farmhouse Gallery is on the theme of ‘Blooming Beautiful Brushworks’ and will show original paintings by members in various media on the subject of flowers, nature, Spring, the country side, all of which make for very colourful, attractive paintings. See attached poster for dates and opening times. Come and see our work and take the opportunity to buy an original work for your home at extremely reasonable prices.
Barton Grange Exhibition Spring ’15
This year saw over 500 visitors viewing paintings by our members in an exhibition at Barton Grange Garden Centre and, once again, many children joined in to create their own display.
Opening times: Winter: Thursday to Sunday 12 – 3:30pm
Summer: Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday and bank holidays: 1pm-4.30pm.
3rd April to 17th May 2015.
New diary and 2015 flyer now published
Chorley Guardian 3/12/14
We’re on Chorley FM – listen up to Dom Molloy on Drive Time Wednesday 26th November 4-6pm!
Lodge have been asked to do a spot on Dom’s popular tea time show to talk about the Astley exhibition, what we do, how to join and why Lodge is become more and more popular with art enthusiasts of all ages in the Chorley area.
£70 donated to St.Catherines’ Hospice!
At last week’s meeting we had a clear out of the store cupboard and a sale among members of books and materials which raised £70 for a donation to St. Catherine’s Hospice. Well done everybody!
Astley Exhibition – top quality work from a thriving society..
That’s how David Tetlow, Cultural Assets Manager, Chorley Council and judge Tracy Hewitt described the work of Lodge Artists members, on display at the preview night of the 36th Annual Exhibition in Astley Hall. David was pleased to see an increased variety of ages within the society, an influx of new members and recent increased activity by the society, adding to the creative resources available to all in the town.
36th Annual exhibition preview Friday 7th November
Lodge members are preparing for the annual exhibition held in Astley Hall every November/December. See poster for details.
Farmhouse Gallery opens with a Lodge Artists’ Exhibition
A great new facility is now open in Astley Park, next to cafe Ambio, and will display the work of local artists and photographers throughout the year. Lodge Artists’ exhibition will run until March 2015. The gallery was opened by the Mayor of Chorley last Friday (17th October), pictured here with Lodge Chairman Polly Carr (left). Paintings are for sale – a chance to own original works of art at very reasonable prices.
Brinscall Exhibition is a huge success!
Lodge artists were thrilled to welcome so many visitors to their first exhibition at the new HQ in School Lane this Sunday. It was the first of many and several paintings were sold. More importantly many people now know where we are and have seen the very high standard of work produced by our members. Hopefully some will also come and try their hand on a Wednesday night!
..and there were cakes!
Members Ron and Judith show their appreciation for the wonderful home made cakes.
Art Exhibition – Sunday 21st September
Lodge Artists’ members will be exhibiting their work, mostly for sale, at their HQ at Brinscall & Withnall Athletic and Recreational Centre (B.W.A.R.A.) from 10am to 4pm on Sunday 21st September.
All welcome. Come and see some original work by local art enthusiasts on a variety of subjects in oil, watercolour, acrylic, brusho, pastel, pencil and ink. Pick up an original for just a few pounds!
Nasar wins first prize at Lodge Social Evening
Nasar Khan came to the Lodge Artists social evening last night (6th August) and brought his first ever oil portrait of a girl from his native village Swat, Pakistan. He was thrilled to receive first prize when members and guests voted for their favourite paintings from among those submitted by all societies in attendance. He explained that the girl, named ‘Pooja’, was someone he had helped and campaigned for when she was suffering from exploitation, and so the painting is very poignant.
Nasar has only been painting about a year and explained that in his home town men don’t paint as it is deemed inappropriate! He is clearly enjoying his new hobby as a member of New Longton Art Society.
Everyone enjoyed the chance to meet up again with neighbouring art groups and welcome them to the new Brinscall HQ with a great barbecue on a pleasant summer evening.
Padstow Reflections by Duncan Ibbotson
As promised, here is the finished ‘vibrant pastel’ painting demonstrated by Duncan Ibbotson recently at a Lodge Artists’ meeting – ‘Padstow reflections’.
Great to see some new faces at our open evening last night (2nd July). We look forward to seeing you again at future meetings.
Brinscall Festival – Saturday 21st June 2014
Great interest in the society and our work. 34 paintings were sold on the day. Hope to see lots of people at the Open Evening on 2nd July!
This Chorley Guardian article promoted this year’s programme of
exhibitions and events and showed a recent demo
by visiting artist Anthony Barrow.